- Loading/unladingContainer/Trailer/TruckoffloadingthruBoomConveyor.
- Ensure that the Items are offloaded on to the Boom Conveyor in thesequencedesiredandplacedonthepalletsaspertherequiredcategorization.
- Ensure that the damages Observed during Offloading are immediatelyreported
- ToensurethattheVASactivitiesarecarriedoutaspertherequiredproductivity requirements
- ToensurethattheLoadingofthetruckiscarriedoutwithpropercareavoidingdamagesandensuringrightcountofthecartonsloaded.
- ToensurethatthetrainingprovidedbytheSupervisorsisproperlyunderstoodtoaddknowledge, skill overaperiod oftime.
- FollowSOPonallthetasksthatareperformed.
- Higher Secondary Education / Undergraduate – with ability to read / understandBasicEnglish
- Abilitytolift heavierCartons
- Ability to work in different physical functions of the warehouse during the courseoftheday
Higher Secondary Education / Undergraduate – with ability to read / understand Basic English Ability to lift heavier Cartons Ability to work in different physical functions of the warehouse during the course of the day