Responsible for:
In general:
- Responsible to deliver project successfully within project objectives and execution schedule
- Overlooks and keeps track of the project performance financially and operational
- Performs project budget controls and determines and introduces mitigations in time when the project status is deviating from the project objectives
- Translation of the Companys policy towards the Employees Engineer and Third Parties
- Organization and Supervision of the Execution of the Works described in the Contract
- Ensuring all legal and Contractual requirements of the Contract
- Reporting to Head Office
- Immediate reporting of accidents or particular events
- Responsible for the safety and health of the employees and Subcontractors including the environmental performance
- Execution of the work in accordance with the local environmental prescriptions and regulations
- Defend the Companys viewpoints
- Setups up project structure and divide and delegate tasks and responsibility towards the site staff
- Study and implement methods increasing productions
Project Manager Responsibilities and accountabilities towards HSE
The head of the line management is the PM. He is the leader to the Project Management Team and is supported by the Project HSE Representative for HSE matters. All staff with management responsibilities shall demonstrate their commitment to the continual improvement of the HSE performance.
The ultimate responsibility and accountability for occupational health and safety on the project rests with the Project Manager.
The PM is responsible for all project activities including HSE. He will be the main interface with CLIENT for all matters.
The Project Manager implements the policy by:
- Setting an example for his colleagues by his own behavior and approach regarding HSE matters
- Ensuring the availability of an effective OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the implementation of this System
- Asking the HSE Management (on corporate as well as on project level) for advice;
- Ensuring that risks and impacts are properly communicated to all supervisors and workers and that work is carried out safely on a daily basis;
- Verifying whether the different tasks are performed by qualified and competent personnel;
- Making sure that the project activities comply with HSE regulations and requirements;
- Carrying out inspections reporting of nonconformities and ensuring that these are followed up;
- Ensuring that all employees understand the HSE regulations;
- Applying the same instructions to suppliers/Subcontractors;
- Ensuring that accidents nearmisses and hazardous situations are investigated and corrective actions are taken;
- Participating in Internal and External Audits;
- Ensuring that appropriate technical and financial resources are made available to support the OHSMS;
- Proposing measures to prevent risks for personnel.
- Responsibilities towards emergency response are defined in the Emergency Response Plan.
Duties & Objective:
Project managers objective is to organize manage monitor and control the project organization execution and budget in order to undertake the scope of work and achieve standards of quality schedule and costs as laid down in the Contract in the interests of CO. with relation to the Contract.
- Setup Operational planning( vessel deployment dredging planning reclamation planning)
- Setup project team
- Setup Operational Budget <> tender Budget
- Setup Mobilization/Demobilization plan
- Setup weekly review of financial status and operational status and provides forecast
- Mobilization/Demobilization
- The site structure (personnel) and provides duties and expectations to each of the project team members
- The execution program and provides updates
- Maintains the cut/fill volume balance and dredging production overviews
- Contacts with Employer Engineer Third Parties
- The site administration (financial legal accountancy HSE)
- The reporting towards Head Office
- The commercial prospection for future Works
- In conflicts due to human relations between site staff and labour
- About execution program difficulties changes in methods etc...
- Precedence in works of subcontractors j.v. partners
- In all matters directly related to a proper execution of the works in compliance with the requirements of the contract
- Prepares claims together with the contracts team
According to organization chart of Personnel delegates power to:
- Works manager Dredging Superintendents Dredging project engineer surveyor etc.. For daily execution of the Works
- Administrator or Account for administrative matters (Financial Fiscal Accountancy Legal Contractual...)
- Surveyor for the positioning of the Works and followup of measurements
- Technical superintendent for the planning of maintenance and repair of the Equipment
- Local Agent for typical local matters
- Keeps track of project status financially and as well operationally
- With the Accountant establishing accountancy cost control and budget systems
- With operations project team keeps overview of dredging productions dredger deployment and auxiliary vessels and pipeline deployment in order to achieve best performance in the project.
- Identifies known and unknown project constraints and risks and defines actions to control/transfer/mitigate
- Maintains overview project of executed work and planned work a head in regards to volume balances
- Reporting project status and forecast/ plan ahead to the Head Office financially as operationally
- Ensuring all legal and contractual requirements for efficient administration of the Contract
- Managing the Site Team
- Establish the final report of the Project pertaining to performance production soil data and other price influencing elements and financial impacts
- Translate the Companys policy towards the Employer Engineer and Third Parties
- Daily correspondence and contacts with Client and Third Parties
- Prepares the monthly PPMO report
- Financial results of project
- Reviews payments applications
- The Progress of the Works own works and subcontractors work
- The daily activities of the site staff
- The activities of the local agent and outside lawyers accountants etc...
- Import and export of equipment/vessels spare parts consumables
- Performance of labor (number and rates)
Authorities Project Manager:
- Delegate tasks in the Project organization.
- Approve: project documents project organization charts vendor documents job descriptions construction program project budgets project audit reports training Nonconformity disposition material requisitions engineering requisitions suppliers project recruitment expenditure progress claims variation notices.
- Sign: correspondence with CLIENT correspondence to Subcontractors monthly reports purchase orders and approve invoices.
- Approve recruitment and termination of Contract and wages of personnel.
- Stop construction activity and close out OFIs.
- Represent CO. and the PMT in all meetings and matters retaining to the Contract with respect to the CLIENT and any third party.
Specific tasks concerning HSE:
- To carry out HSE Inspections (monthly)
- Organizing toolbox meetings or delegating them to superintendents and foreman / supervisors(monthly)
Commitment of PM towards the Occupational Health and Safety Management System:
- Demonstrating leadership and accountability towards safety by actively taking part in HSE meetings (e.g. Inspections and audits; Incident Investigations; development of Safe Work Practices; Job Hazard Analysis; Risk & Impact Assessments).
- Ensure the availability of the Policy and its communication to all persons working on the project site.
- Ensure the availability of resources to set up implement maintain and improve the EMS and OHSMS.
- Designate a person of the PMT as Project HSE Representative who has the defined responsibility and authority for implementing the EMS and OHSMS.
- Demonstrate his commitment towards continual improvement of the EMS and OHSMS performance and towards prevention of pollution.
- Take part in the review of the EMS and OHSMS to ensure their continuing suitability adequacy and effectiveness. This review shall be done by means of a Management Review Meeting and/or during other relevant meetings.
Commitment of PM towards the Quality Management System:
The PM shall be committed to the development and implementation of the QMS and continually improving its effectiveness by:
- Communicating within the project organization the importance of meeting CLIENT Requirements as well as statuary and regulatory Requirements.
- Ensuring the availability and review of the Policy and its communication to all persons working on the project site.
- Ensuring the establishment and review of quality objectives.
- Ensuring the availability of resources to set up implement and maintain (e.g. After changes) the QMS in order to meet the requirements.
- Designation a person of the PMT as project Quality Representative who (a) has the defined responsibility and authority for implementing and maintaining the QMS; (b) reports on the performance and need for improvement; and (c) promotes awareness of CLIENTs requirements within the project.
- Ensuring that CLIENTs requirements are determined and met with the aim of enhancing customers satisfaction.
- Ensuring that responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the project.
- Ensuring that appropriate communication processes are established within the project and that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the QMS.
- Take part in the review of the QMS to ensure its continuing suitability adequacy and effectiveness. This review which includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the QMS Policy
- Promote positive approaches to health and safety by leading by example
- Communicate HSE responsibilities effectively with staff
- Encouraging a safety culture promoting a noblame culture
- Tracking and monitoring progress to ensure HSE KPI achievement
- Master or Civil Engineer in Construction Mechanical Marine Engineering
- An online Engineering Degree is not valid
- Risk Assessment
Primary Location
: United Arab Emirates
Remote Work :