Riaz Specialist Medical Center L.L.C

About Riaz Specialist Medical Center L.L.C

Riaz Specialist Medical Center L.L.C RIAZ MEDICAL CENTER L.L.C Riaz Medical Center L.L.C has been proudly providing healthcare in the United Arab Emirates to both the local and expatriate population for over 35 years. Dr. Riaz Ahmed Chaudhry began his private practice from a single outpatient clinic in Al Shahba Area in Sharjah and endeavored to meet the health needs of the community beyond primary care. His compassion for serving humanity has resulted in the addition of Dental, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Equipment services in order to appropriately serve the diverse population of the country. Currently, Riaz Specialist Medical Center L.L.C has over thirteen specialties focused on promoting and sustaining the general well-being of the population. With over thirty qualified physicians, and our diverse team of allied healthcare professionals, we are dedicated to improving your health. Our team of physicians are focused on achieving the values of the organization in terms of acceptability, adaptability, and more importantly affordability within the country for the foreseeable future.