About CBS

CBS started in September 2007 with about 100 students. Our school includes JK through Grade 12. Over time, we have achieved steady and consistent growth in the number of students enrolled, improved quality of infrastructure and academic programs and steadily brought in more technology. We have also set up enhanced management systems and improved policies and processes. At CBS, we provide an environment where children can develop their innate skills and discover more about themselves. Through the experience that we have gained over the years, we have formulated and developed a rigorous academic structure and programs to ensure the overall growth of our students. Along with academics, we also promote a safe, inspiring and supportive environment for our students. We always encourage an active participation from parents, teachers and community members. The curriculum at CBS is the driving force behind all the initiatives and teaching strategies of its faculty. Students require consistent challenging programs that will capture their interest and stimulate creative thinking and problem solving abilities. They must also be able to build independent capabilities as well as a team spirit in order to be prepared for a lifetime of learning. Our students, in the process of learning, acquire knowledge and the skills required to excel when they enter the work environment. CBS follows a modified Ontario (Canada) curriculum. This adds enriching concepts in all subjects. To ensure that the best programming is provided to the children, resources have been employed from other sources too. Our teachers use Curriculum Expectations and Achievement Level charts to ensure that the appropriate grade levels goals are met. We have facilities on our campus which include a multipurpose hall for school functions and sports activities, large kindergarten play areas, a comprehensive school library, efficient and updated science and computer labs and 2 soccer fields.