drjobs Senior Copywriter - English - Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group ESAG English

Senior Copywriter - English - Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group ESAG

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Job Description

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Researching industryrelated topics (combining online sources interviews and studies)
  • Write concise and engaging copy for various channels including digital websites external advertising print videography and social media.
  • Provides supporting copy/content ideas to the social & content team
  • Creates effective copy for press releases websites and other interactive media
  • Develop longform copy for LinkedIn articles and blogs
  • Develop copy for newsrelated happenings for an internal weekly newsletter
  • Works closely with the web design team to develop products campaigns and other content when required
  • Research clients products markets and keyword usage to compose targeted content
  • Interpret creative direction and adapt points from creative briefs into the persuasive copy.
  • Submit wellstructured drafts within deadlines.
  • Collaborate with designers PR and other professionals on large and smallscale marketing projects (e.g. email campaigns and landing pages)
  • Edit and proofread copy as needed
  • Assisting with managing the editorial element of projects throughout the entire production cycle
  • Help ensures all copy communicates consistent voice and style throughout all forms of communications
  • Conduct thorough research to ensure all copies are factually accurate culturally relevant and resonate with the intended audience.
  • Edit and proofread all content for grammar punctuation and style consistency ensuring a polished final product.
  • Analyze performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of copy and make datadriven adjustments as needed.


  • A minimum of 5 years of professional copywriting experience showcasing a portfolio that demonstrates versatility and creativity preferably from an ecommerce or advertising agency
  • Bachelors degree in English Communications Marketing or a related field is essential for foundational knowledge.
  • Attention to detail and ability to manage multiple projects under tight deadlines without compromising quality.
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines prioritize workload and achieve effective results in a dynamic evergrowing environment
  • Selfstarter who uses initiative with a passion for building learning and experimenting
  • Strong creative skills with an ability to see beyond the brief
  • An ability to make simple messages compelling
  • The ideal candidate should be comfortable in a fastpaced multitasked corporate environment
  • Should be creative with words and concepts possess a passion for delivering results.


Any Graduation

Job Details

Job Location
Dubai UAE
Company Industry
Company Type
Employer (Private Sector)
Job Role
Marketing and PR
Employment Status
Full time
Employment Type
Full Time Employee

Preferred Candidate

Career Level
Mid Career
Years of Experience
Min: 5 Max: 10
Residence Location
United Arab Emirates

This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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