drjobs Planner Maintenance English

Planner Maintenance

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1 وظيفة شاغرة
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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

Key Accountabilities

Job Specific Accountabilities

    • Check i ncom i ng work orders for comp l eteness, and interacts with Operat i ons & execut i on sup e r v i sor to assess job status i n the field before fina l i zing p l an.
    • Determine requi rements for resources such as manpower, skills, estimated man hours , requ i red mate r i al list, tools and safety considerations in consultation with execution supervisor i n order to pl an and requisition for the same.
    • Check the priority of the work order and suggests the priorities to be changed from urgent to normal afte r analysing the work. Thus helping i n reducing the maintenance cost by reducing unnecessary urgent jobs .
    • Maintain i nformation on back l og jobs pend i ng due to mater i al unavailabil i ty , wait for engineering aspects I

vendor and follows up with concerned departments .

    • Coord i nate w i th warehouse unit to ensure the availab i l i ty of all mater i als ( s to c k i t ems and non-stock i t ems) required reserved/ordered by concerned Disci plines/Secti ons to execute th e majo r ove r haul as per defined timelines and standards .
    • Coordinate with various sections of the Ma i ntenance Department, prepare p l an/schedu l e and follow up the Preventive Maintenance for maintenance and modification activit i es to fac i l i tate timely comp l etion.
    • Check the requirements of work orders ra i sed by operat i on I area m a i ntenance and schedu l e them as per the resources ava i l ability .
    • Part i c i pate i n deve l oping alternative i deas to i mprove the existing plan n i ng maintenance procedures and serv i ces, and prov i de i nputs and suggestions for the continuous i mprovement.
    • Mon i tor da i l y job progress and issue reports whilst recommend i ng plans for f urth e r i mprovement.
    • Prepare and rev i ew backlog reports and take necessary action to achieve a m i n i mum l evel of back l og.

Borouge Corporate Responsibilities

    • Understand and keep abreast about Borouge's vision, mission, main strategies and objectives. And to live and exercise Borouge's values with all colleagues and stakeholders .
    • To keep abreast and knowledgeable about his I her role contribution towards the areas of Health, Safety & Env i ronment (HSE), Susta i nab i l i ty , Energy Management, Eth i cs & Regu l a t i ons, and Quality Management and its respective policies, frameworks, procedures, and objectives.
    • Comply, support and enrich the culture and understanding of it through his I her communications with the i nternal and external contacts
    • Participate and contribute in the design, development and establishment of an Integrated Risk Management Framework w i thin the Unit while i dentify i ng and assess i ng relevant domain r i sks and i mp l eme n t measures to manage and mitigate all i dentified risks with i n the function .
    • Ensure corporate business ethics and Company's Code of Conduct are communicated to empl oyees w i th i n the function i n compliance to the Corporate Policies and guidelines.

Departmental Plans

    • Plan, organize and coordinate all activities i n the assi gned tasks and respective procedures to meet departmental objectives .
    • Keep aware and knowledgeabl e about the respective processes' owners, policies , procedures , fo r ms, and other relevant i nformation.
    • Support i n the reporting of the respective section I department budgets and any cost-related activities
    • Contribute to the report i ng of the approved Performance Objectives for the section I department i n l i ne with the company's performance framework, and KPls
    • Analyse and address any significant variances to support effective performance and cost control
    • Draft, prepare, and recommend the required reports on work activities, projects , processes, etc. to next l evel manager i n line w i th bus i ness requ i rements.

Processes & Systems

    • Imp l ement approved the respective po l i c i es, processes, system s , standards and procedures in order t o support execution of the work programs .
    • Perform the procedures I SOP in line with the respective processes and activi ties to ensure t i mely processi ng.
    • Provide timely informat i on to the i nternal I external contacts in line with the approved polic i es and procedures.
    • Provide w i th feedback on updat i ng and i mplementat i on of new too l s and techn i ques to i mprove the quality and efficiency of processes.
    • Make sure full compl i ance to Quality Management System's controlled documents, and i mp l emented practices i n line with I SO standards to ensure consistency i n the respective p r ocesses .
    • Adhere to professional business relations and commercial responsibil i t ies in the areas of cu s t om e r de l i ght, data confidentiality, business communicat i ons and representat i on, and Borouge's corporate i mage.



    • Planning Team Leader, daily, discussing planning tasks and following up daily acti vities.
    • Planners, daily, discussing daily tasks and coordinating to get daily pl an e x ecuted.
    • Executi on team, daily, following up jobs execution .
    • Materials team, on need basi s, followi ng up materials status for pending work o r de r s .
    • Operators and sh i ft controllers, da i ly, d i scussing permits and plann i ng activi t i es.
    • Planning section head/department manager, on need basis, discussing general/personal concerns .


      • Ruwa i s S i te I ntegrat i on (RS I ) staff, da i l y, d i scuss i ng requ i red serv i ces and resources used for e x ecut i ng daily planning .
      • I nventory Controllers


Minimum Qualification

    • Dip l oma i n Relevant Eng i neer i ng Discip l i ne, or Bache l or Degree i s preferre d .

Minimum Experience & Knowledge & Skills

    • Mi nimum 4 - 6 of relevant experience
    • Experi ence i n routine & shutdown mai ntenance planning , work control , contracting , budge t ary and cost control procedures .
    • Hi ghly organized, ability to handle mul tiple tasks concurrently and meet deadlines .
    • Knowledge of MS Office, CMMS (SAP) i s needed .
    • Knowl edge of MS project, pri mavera is preferable .
    • Understand the benefits of teamwork i n a gl obally competitive organisation .
    • Excellent communication skills with good command of English.
    • Know l edge and understanding of engineering standard specificat i on, p l anning techniques, ph i losophy and processes existing i n an Oil & Gas or petrochemical industry .
    • Knowledge about the process operation and maintenance of plan t equ i pment.
    • Knowl edge of the equipment drawings and P&ID's

نوع التوظيف

دوام كامل



القسم / المجال المهني

الإنتاج / التصنيع

المهارات المطلوبة

نبذة عن الشركة

الإبلاغ عن هذه الوظيفة
إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا