Florence Home Healthcare Services Center LLC

حول Florence Home Healthcare Services Center LLC

Florence is a Home Health Care Services duly registered & licensed by the HAAD to give quality services to clients in need of home care services. Florence Home Health Care Center is a home healthcare company introduced to UAE community in early 2014. It is duly registered and licensed by the HEALTH Authority Abu Dhabi to give quality services to clients in need of home care services. It commits to help and serve clients with utmost RESPECT, DIGNITY and EQUALITY. Patients who are in need of health care services, will benefit from the experience of our medical Team which offer the most advanced health services. Our team consists of professional, efficient and highly qualified physicians , physical therapists, male and female nurses. In particular, we have high reputation in the field of Home Medical Care in various forms, including our ability to offer the best and most advanced services by providing the members of our team with the modern medical equipment that matches the highest quality and distinction levels and the approved requirements by the General Health Services Authority.

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