Location UAEType of role Full time permanent (No Rotation) Contract will be renewed after every 2 years.Job Role* Pilotage to all tonnage of all vessels types* Handling of VLCCS through channels inside Harbors and open sea jetties* Tankers calling at Oil terminals SPMs and STS Marine Operations Berthing Stern on between buoys Gouna All kinds of mooring.* Using VTS Radar System initiating communication by radio with ships pilots port control tower tugs securing mooring to the berth also* Finishing arrival and departure documents.Requirement* Valid Certificate of Competency and Endorsement (unlimited) Master Mariner (FG) of a Foreign Going Vessel issued by the respective Government of his Nationality. (should hold 2nd & Chief Mate before getting Master Mariner FG)* Valid Endorsement attesting the Recognition of a Certificate under the Provision of the International convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 As Amended (If Certificate of competency of Master F.G not issued by respective Government of his Nationality).* Valid STCW certificates.* Minimum five years experience of unlimited pilotage (including handling of VLCC) at Famous Ports* Experience certificate* Age should be maximum 50 Years.* Should be able to communicate in English Language