Top 10 Reasons Why Job Seekers Can’t Get Jobs in Dubai|


“I have been looking for a job in Dubai for about 3 months, and my visa will expire by the end of this month. I’m writing this today with the hope that some miracle will happen and I can get a job in Dubai.”

These are Some lines that we encounter daily on LinkedIn for people who have arrived in Dubai on a visit visa and failed to get a job they are looking for.

So, we find it would be beneficial to highlight some mistakes that can prevent you from getting your job in Dubai so you can avoid them, with no need for miracles, and start a successful career in your dream city.

Top 10 Reasons Why Job Seekers Can’t Get Jobs in Dubai

Bearing the following reasons in mind while looking for a job in Dubai will help you get your dream vacancy in Dubai, UAE.

Reason#1: Applying for Jobs While Being in Your Country

Reason#1 Applying for Jobs While Being in Your Country
Job seekers have to recognize that those days of overseas job offers have all gone. Dubai’s job market is now full of competencies looking for jobs, whether those arrived on a visit visa or already living in the city but look for new opportunities to achieve more career progress. So, who will think about hiring a faraway candidate whose hiring will take months?

It’s not only the time but also the cost. Hiring a candidate from outside the country will cost companies higher salaries, visa and flight tickets, and other allowances, which completely contradicts the businesses’ goals of cutting costs.

The result is “A new recruitment approach,” Companies adopt ATS systems, walk-in-interviews, and job auditions. So, you’ve got to be on-site to get a job in Dubai, come on a visit-visa, and try your luck.

Reason#2: Visiting Dubai at The Wrong Time

Being in a hurry to move and getting a dream job in Dubai, many job seekers quickly decide to relocate without thinking about the appropriate timing. According to my experience, February, March, April, September, October, and November are the most suitable months to come and look for a job in Dubai.

Your journey of job searching in Dubai is challenging, and you’ll need to move from door to door to deliver your resume by hand. So, these months are ideal because the temperature and humidity levels become less high.

Also, avoid the holidays when every recruiter seeks only to relax and take a break from their hectic regular days; Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, and Christmas/ new year.

Arriving at the appropriate time will help you a lot while looking for jobs in Dubai.

Reason#3: Sending One Resume for All Vacancies

Reason#3 Sending One Resume for All Vacancies
In a country that supports creativity and thinking out of the box all the time, using a ready-made resume template where you just fill out your details will hurdle getting your jobs.

Tailoring your resume and cover letter will give you access to the job interview by convincing the recruiter that you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Reason#4: Applying on One Platform On

Reason#4: Applying on One Platform Only
Sticking to one platform or way to apply for jobs in UAE will cost you getting the job. Job seekers have to test the waters and get the best of all *platforms. Who knows where the interested recruiter is?

So, job seekers should apply for jobs on job portals (, professional networks (LinkedIn), social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), and career sections on companies’ official websites.

List your target 10 companies that you know hire employees having your qualifications and turn on their job alerts on all their platforms, tailor your resume for each position, craft a professional cover letter, and submit your application. Exerting more effort always pays off.

Reason#5: Ignoring Meeting the HR Specialist Personally

Reason#5 Ignoring Meeting the HR Specialist Personally
Although it is not easy to meet every HR professional and give them your resume, hundreds of resumes are sent in response to job vacancies via email. So, recruiters are confused about who to choose for the position and who would be the ideal candidate.

Hence the importance of meeting the recruiter in person where you can list your qualifications and experience in short sentences that will put you in the first ranks of the job candidates when hiring begins.

Reason#6: Neglecting the Personal Branding

Reason#6 Neglecting the Personal Branding
In today’s job market, almost 92% of professionals and recruiters use social media, either for personal or professional needs. So, every job seeker has to maintain a robust digital presence to demonstrate his skills, personality traits, and eligibility for joining big companies.

In this respect, LinkedIn comes as a great platform where recruiters look for job seekers or conduct research about the applicant before conducting the job interview.

I guarantee you will be astounded at how much your employment and professional image have improved.

Reason#7: Attending the Interview with No Preparation

Reason#7 Attending the Interview with No Preparation
Many job seekers, especially fresh grads, ignore the importance of being prepared for the interview. That preparation includes selecting the perfect outfit, practicing answering the frequently asked interview questions, researching the company, and getting ready to highlight how he is the ideal candidate.

Be ready to impress the interviewer about how wise your look, how unique your qualifications are, and how committed your personality.

Reason#8: Applying for Jobs Randomly

Reason#8 Applying for Jobs Randomly
Among the biggest mistakes, people make while looking for jobs in Dubai is applying randomly for each job.

If you’re an accountant, do you imagine receiving an interview call while applying for an engineer position?

Sending your resume randomly raises red flags on your professionalism. So, before applying to any position, read carefully through the job description to decide if it meets your qualifications or not. Salary and benefits are the last sections to check after making sure that you meet the requirements for the position.

Don’t let your frustration or depression after looking for jobs for a long time directs you the wrong way.

Reason#9: Ignoring the Importance of “Networking”

Reason#9 Ignoring the Importance of “Networking”
It’s your way to showcase your public relations skills. Over time, references have become increasingly important in obtaining a career in UAE. Some corporations do not publicize their job vacancies in newspapers or on job search websites. They do, however, choose people for specific jobs based on recommendations.

Finding a job nowadays can be exceedingly challenging for many job searchers due to the absence of networking. As a result, you should concentrate on improving the quality of your connections.

Reason#10: Getting Deceived by Job Scams

Reason#10 Getting Deceived by Job Scams
After a long job search journey, job seekers seek recruitment agencies to find a job in Dubai. What do some of the agencies do? After receiving hiring payments, they lie to people, offer fake jobs, and unfortunately, some of them practice human trafficking (especially with those who don’t have a college degree).

Final Words,

Most expats living now in Dubai were job seekers on a visit visa one day. So, it may take some time, but it will be.

Never lose hope, exert your effort, and avoid the blunders mentioned above so that you can get your next job in Dubai easily.

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