drjobs Procurement and Logistics Officer - American University In the Emirates AUE English

Procurement and Logistics Officer - American University In the Emirates AUE

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The American University in the Emirates is looking for an excellent Procurement and Logistics Officer to join its team. The Procurement and Logistics Officer is responsible for sourcing purchasing and managing the procurement process for goods and services necessary for maintaining the universitys facilities.

Salary Range & Benefits: AED 6000 & Additional Benefits

Qualifications & Education

  • Bachelors degree in a related field from an accredited university
  • Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) is preferred
  • Preferably bilingual (Arabic and English)


  • 2 to 5 years of relevant experience

Skills / Training / Knowledge

  • Excellent working knowledge with Procurement proceses policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrated experience managing budgets contracts and vendor relationships.
  • Strong problemsolving and decisionmaking skills.
  • Effective liasing skills with other departments and vendors.
  • Ability to work independently and effectively in a fastpaced dynamic environment.
  • Familiarity with sustainability practices and initiatives.
  • Excellent communication skills.

Job Responsibilities

  • Request reviews and recommend supplier quotations and proposals
  • Establish and negotiate contract terms and conditions; maintain supplier relationships
  • Prepare and maintain purchasing records reports and price lists
  • Work with several departments / colleges to determine procurement needs quality and delivery requirements
  • If goods are damaged then contacts the supplier company to make necessary claims
  • Assist in the development of specifications for equipment materials and services to be purchased
  • Administer contract performance including delivery receipt warranty and damages if any.
  • Oversee the university snack vending machine and ensuring that it meets quality standards.
  • Reconcile inconsistencies in a professional manner.
  • Maintains files appropriate to the activities of the unit such as invoices order number receiving date shipping date etc.
  • Prepare timely reports for the department
  • Comply with and maintain knowledge of applicable rules legislation regulations standards and best practices

About American University in the Emirates (AUE):

The American University in the Emirates (AUE) invites applications from wellqualified candidates for a range of faculty and administrative positions. AUE is located in Dubai Intl. Academic City.

AUE is not just a place of learning but a hub of innovation and growth where your expertise and aspirations find a welcoming environment.

At AUE we believe Nothing is Impossible is the Pathway to Success

AUE comprises seven dynamic colleges: College of Law College of Education College of Design College of Business Administration College of Media and Mass Communication College of Computer Information Technology and College of Security and Strategic Studies. Each college boasts unique strengths and prestigious accreditations reflecting our commitment to providing a worldclass education.

The American University in the Emirates is accredited by SACSCOC (the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) to award baccalaureate and masters degrees. Degreegranting institutions also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels

The American University in the Emirates is officially licensed to operate as a higher education institution and all its programs are accredited by CAA (the Commission for Academic Accreditation) Ministry of Education United Arab Emirates.

The College of Business Administration is a proud member of AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and its degree programs (Bachelor of Business Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Sport Management) are accredited by AACSB) as of 2022.

The Bachelor of Computer Science in the College of Computer Information Technology is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

NASAD (The National Association of Schools of Art and Design) has granted the Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and Bachelor of Science in Animation in the College of Design the designation of Substantial Equivalency with accredited programs in the United States.

This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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