Link Datacenter

حول Link Datacenter

Founded in 1996, with one goal on mind to be your technology partner. Focusing on providing the best technical solutions that meets your requirements and enhancing your business. LDC use a consultative approach to evaluate your business and technology needs and advise on the best solutions for your current and future needs. Link Datacenter solutions saves your organization time and money through better use of appropriate technologies Link Datacenter Managed Service offers scalable solutions to help simplify your operations. LDC focus on traditional disciplines of infrastructure operation and management application monitoring, performance reporting, fault and change management, configuration management and Disaster recovery scenarios – Providing an attractive alternative to expending the funds and work force to perform the work in-house. Through our comprehensive experience in providing IT services to clients over the past two decades, LDC have developed an IT Service delivery framework that is one of the best in the industry. At LDC, we understand that every one of our clients is unique, so our Managed IT Services plans are specifically tailored to the needs of each client. With Link Datacenter’s expertise, companies are saving substantially on the cost of maintaining experts for various projects and future proofing their technology investments.

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