drjobs Key Account Manager - Sanofi US English

Key Account Manager - Sanofi US

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To build and maintain strong business partnerships with key stakeholders & to build and maintain strong business partnerships with key stakeholders. ensure the success of the igned brand in terms of indication positioning accessibility of the product.

To achieve success it is critical that the KAM:

  • Ensure the success of the igned brand in terms of indication positioning accessibility of the product
  • Maximise short and long term sales volumes in line with Company strategies local regulations and Sanofi compliance rules
  • Ensure the implementation of launch and tactical marketing plans are in line with the local business strategy and meet agreed budget
  • ess and mitigate risks on business


  • Responsibilities
  • Continue to identify customers map the accounts and patient journeys educate key stakeholders on the disease and the impact of the disease
  • Implement ongoing targeting and profiling of customers to maximise sales
  • Identify and grasp listing opportunities for Dupixent in accounts at area level if any
  • Liaise with medicomarketing teams to develop tactical plans for scaling up products penetration and ensure products availability
  • Initiate build and maintain strong relations with key opinion leaders at country and regional level in order to increase market presence for the igned company products
  • Oversee sales promotion of igned product to the target doctors to achieve monthly quarterly and annual targets in line with company strategy
  • Supply quality medical information about Dupixent to the different healthcare professionals in compliance with professional ethics and company image rules and regulations
  • Develop weekly and monthly visit plans in consultation with the line manager and in compliance with Sanofi internal sales systems and procedures
  • Conduct regular visits to customers to monitor product availability and movement

  • Maintain and update product and competition knowledge in order to create a good professional image and build good relationships with trade personnel
  • Gather continuous market intelligence data in order to ess impact on Sanofi operations and suggest timely action plan
  • Execute the marketing tactics and use sales techniques and operational tools in order to achieve sales objectives and constantly seek to improve selling ss and knowledge
  • Update all the required information on doctor cards and list
  • Liaise regularly with key opinion leaders get market feedback and report any relevant information to line manager in line with company procedures and best practice.
  • Participate in the implementation of project as and when required
  • yse performance of Dupixent identify growth opportunities and provide solutions to management to face all challenges
  • Build and maintain strong business partnerships with key stakeholders in all accounts at area level (healthcare professionals KTLs tender parties Clinical Pharmacists) in order to position Genzyme as a strategic partner
  • Carry out business related actions in line with the industry code of ethics and in compliance with company policies and procedures
  • Conduct regular visits and participate in symposiums congresses and meetings in order to in order to increase market presence for the company products
  • Conduct competitive environment ysis in order to prepare counter plans for marketing the products and achieving targets
  • Prepare and submit monthly activity reports to the Sales Manager
  • Prepare and submit market share reports
  • Prepare and submit monthly activity reports on the CRM system and markets trends/updates to Sales Manager.

Maintain compliance

  • Abide by the requirements of the internal Code of Ethics including but not restricted to maintaining high professional standards of conduct in line with the Company procedure with a duty of care to the reputation of the Company.

Ethical Leadership

  • Takes personal accountability to use personal experience and knowledge as well as the training and tools provided by Sanofi to maintain a good knowledge and understanding of all ethics and governance relevant to the role (Sanofi Policies and Procedures and any relevant legal requirements); and demonstrate personal leadership in applying these to all work undertaken.
  • Escalates any decisions or seek the support of colleagues or management if personal knowledge and understanding is not at the level required to carry out any part of the role

Environmental and Safety Leadership

To care for his/her own safety and wellbeing and the safety of others and to cooperate with the company to ensure a safe place of work. Employees are therefore expected to:

  • Support and conform to Company safety rules and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment
  • Report any accident incident or near miss whether it be of personal injury or property damage
  • ist in the investigation of accidents with the objective of introducing measures to prevent recurrence
  • Thoroughly read all safety doentation issued by the Company and comply with its requirements. Escalate any doubts or uncertainties to their supervisor and/or manager.


  • BSc in Science or Medicine business Education is a plus
  • Minimum 4 years experience in sales pharma industry
  • Minimum 12 years at least biologics experience
  • Proven track record for selling ss
  • ytical ss
  • Project management ss
  • Communication & Negotiation ss
  • Relationship management
  • Planning and organising
  • Resultsdriven and strategic thinker
  • Scientific aen
  • Proven track record of being a great teamplayer

This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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