drjobs Head of Streaming Services English

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1 وظيفة شاغرة
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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

We require two female Housekeepers for Erbil, capital city of Kurdistan.

Our client is an international businessman in his late 20s , living by himself. He is seeking the services of 2 female Housekeepers. The client has a modern home (3 bedrooms and other living space, over one floor) and typical housekeeping duties will be expected to perform, working together as a team and also alone. The client travels a lot himself. The client also has a chef and a house manager. He is friendly and very respectful to everyone in the team. You will be part of a lovely team where everyone is nice and friendly.

Duties: all housekeeping duties such as hoovering, mopping, dusting, cleaning, polishing, organizing of kitchen cupboards and clothes wardrobes, tidying up etc. Laundry and ironing and other housekeeping duties as required.

No cooking needed as they have a chef.

Note! Erbil is in Kurdistan (an autonomous area) which is a very safe place. The female Housekeepers won t have to cover up their faces etc. It s a very liberal area compared to Iran or Saudi Arabia.

They would accept experienced candidates from Philippines (who are in Philippines now) and they will sort out the visas etc

Hours and days:

8 hours a day, 6-7 days/week. Depending on presence of the principal. When the client is travelling, the hours and days are less.

Interviews by video call, then fly out to meet them, then job offer.


You are:



Good English ideally


Attention to detail

Discreet and quiet personality

Well presented.


Package on offer per person:

Accommodation: Provided - shared rooms
Salary: 800 USD per month
Vacation: 2x 10 days off/year
Flights: 2x round trip flight tickets (economy cl) provided

Uniforms: Provided and washed by employer
Food: Provided while on duty
Transportation: Provided work <-> accommodation
Contract: 1 year, renewal possible if both parties agree
Starting date: April 1, 2023

You are: Positive Experienced Good English ideally Meticulous Attention to detail Discreet and quiet personality Well presented.

نوع التوظيف

دوام كامل



القسم / المجال المهني

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المهارات المطلوبة

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