- ustomer support and relationship management for the companys digital solutions.
I - n charge of customer account management for the MENA region.
M - anaging daily postsales relationships with customers portfolios related to SMS Push notifications and Business WhatsApp APIs.
S - MS campaign management.
A - ssisting accounts team in payment followup and submission of quotations and invoices as and when required.
E - mail Campaign Management (Preferably Mailchimp)
D - igitals solutions vendor management.
P - res sales and postsales training and demos
I - dentify potential upsell and Sales opportunities or leads and relay this to the sales team.
D - etermining technical requirements from new and existing clients during the presales process/customer call and relaying them to In House technical and sales team on requirements.
K - nowledge of social media marketing and digital analytics.
- ffective communication and customerfocus skills
A - bility to maintain relations with an existing account and keep looking for potential upsell opportunities.
K - nowledge of SMS connection through API Web services and SMPP (Preferred).
O - nline marketing (SEO PPC Social Media)
E - xperience in Twitter Facebook and Linkedin as the primary social networks and use of these for engaging visitors
E - xperience in Google Analytics to keep track of online activity related to products.
A - bility to work on own initiative and within a team environment.
K - nowledge of social media and banners and mobile marketing
K - nowledge of keyword and analysis techniques and software
E - xceptional eye for detail
E - ffective time management and organizational skills
This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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