drjobs Electrical Engineer English

Electrical Engineer

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Electrical Engineer Job Description

Job Purpose:

The Electrical Engineer plays a crucial role in planning implementing and executing inhouse or outsourced projects of medium to high capital value complexity or risk. The position supports operations and projects across plant and administrative areas ensuring work is completed within specified time cost and quality constraints. The engineer also assists in executing works under the Framework Agreement and supports CAPEX team members in carrying out their tasks.

Job Scope:

  • Reports to: CAPEX team
  • Direct & Indirect Reports: Contractors consulting firms and internal personnel assigned during projects

Key Responsibilities:

  • Analyze internal customer requirements and develop costeffective engineering solutions.
  • Lead multidisciplinary project teams ensuring delivery within agreed time budget and quality standards.
  • Support design and execution teams in delivering projects that align with departmental expectations.
  • Review and approve project documentation ensuring compliance with engineering and safety standards.
  • Supervise and evaluate engineering contractors to ensure they meet EHS and quality guidelines.
  • Conduct safety walkdowns site inspections equipment testing and certification processes.
  • Provide technical expertise to CAPEX Engineering Operations and Maintenance teams.
  • Advise team leaders and managers on effective planning and utilization of departmental resources.
  • Drive improvement initiatives and ensure compliance with sound engineering principles.
  • Participate in training and mentoring junior engineers graduate trainees and national trainees.

Authority & DecisionMaking Responsibilities:

  • Accountable for project costs and outcomes ensuring costeffective and reliable solutions.
  • Guide teams of engineers technicians drafters administrative staff and contractors in project execution.
  • Ensure timely project completion while meeting quality cost and scope requirements.
  • Take on Engineer responsibilities in the absence of the designated engineer.

Qualifications & Experience:

  • Education: Bachelors degree in Electrical or Electrical & Electronics Engineering from a recognized university.
  • Experience: 710 years in a heavy industrial or power generation/distribution environment.
    • Minimum of 35 years in an aluminium smelter specializing in electrical engineering and highvoltage power systems.

Required Skills:

  • Strong engineering design development and project management capabilities.
  • Leadership and teamwork skills for managing multidisciplinary projects.
  • Effective communication problemsolving and creative thinking abilities.
  • Technical expertise in highvoltage power generation distribution and industrial electrical systems.

نوع التوظيف

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الإبلاغ عن هذه الوظيفة
إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا