drjobs Mechanical Supervisor PTW Coordinator English

Mechanical Supervisor PTW Coordinator

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1 وظيفة شاغرة

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سيتم تحديثك بأحدث تنبيهات الوظائف عبر البريد الإلكتروني

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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

  • 1. Understanding the Permit Requirements

  • Ensure a clear understanding of the scope of work and associated risks.
  • Review the permit conditions required safety measures and isolation requirements.
  • Confirm that all necessary approvals and signatures are obtained before starting work.
  • 2. Compliance with Safety Procedures

  • Follow all safety regulations procedures and risk control measures.
  • Ensure proper use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
  • Adhere to Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures for hazardous energy control.
  • Maintain a safe work environment by following housekeeping and waste disposal rules.
  • 3. Risk Assessment & Hazard Identification

  • Identify potential hazards related to the task and take preventive measures.
  • Conduct a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Task Risk Assessment (TRA) before starting work.
  • Ensure that all personnel involved in the task understand the risks and controls in place.
  • 4. Coordination & Communication

  • Communicate effectively with supervisors control room operators and relevant departments.
  • Conduct toolbox talks before starting work to brief workers on safety precautions.
  • Notify relevant personnel when work is completed or if there are any changes in conditions.
  • 5. Supervision & Worksite Monitoring

  • Ensure that only authorized personnel perform the task.
  • Monitor ongoing work to ensure compliance with the permit conditions.
  • Stop work immediately if unsafe conditions arise or if the permit conditions are not met.
  • 6. Emergency Preparedness

  • Be aware of emergency response procedures and evacuation routes.
  • Ensure firefighting equipment gas detectors and other safety devices are available if required.
  • Report any incidents nearmisses or unsafe conditions to supervisors.
  • 7. Permit Closure & Handover

  • Ensure the work is completed as per the permit requirements.
  • Conduct site cleanup and return equipment to safe operational status.
  • Sign off and return the permit once the work is completed or if it needs to be extended.
  • Types of Work Requiring a Permit

    A PTW Holder is usually involved in highrisk activities such as:

  • Hot Work (welding grinding cutting)
  • Confined Space Entry (tanks vessels pipelines)
  • Work at Heights (scaffolding elevated platforms)
  • Electrical Work (maintenance testing isolation)
  • Excavation Work (digging near pipelines or underground cables)
  • Lifting Operations (crane work heavy equipment handling)
  • By fulfilling these responsibilities a Permit to Work Holder plays a crucial role in preventing accidents and ensuring a safe working environment in oil and gas operations.

Qualifications :

  • Education: ITI/Diploma/Degree Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering or a related field.
  • Experience: Minimum 57 years of experience in a supervisory role within the oil and gas industry 
  • Certifications: Relevant certifications in PTW from ADNOC/WMS H2s HSE.
  • Languages: Proficiency in English is required;

Additional Information :

  • Communicate effectively with supervisors control room operators and relevant departments.
  • Conduct toolbox talks before starting work to brief workers on safety precautions.
  • Notify relevant personnel when work is completed or if there are any changes in conditions.
  • Ensure a clear understanding of the scope of work and associated risks.
  • Review the permit conditions required safety measures and isolation requirements.
  • Confirm that all necessary approvals and signatures are obtained before starting work.

Remote Work :


Employment Type :


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الإبلاغ عن هذه الوظيفة
إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا